Quite often when we secure a call or meeting with a top decision-maker, i.e. the CEO, they will either ask to include or will simply invite one of their subordinates to take part in the first scheduled sales call. If asked, the CEO will say that the reason for including this person is based on efficiency, since they will be an inevitable part of the decision process. He or she may say something like, “Your timing is good since we have been considering this. I would like to speak further and include my COO or VP.” Most sales people and their managers see this as an extremely positive move that will shorten the sales cycle, however there is a big danger here hiding in plain sight.
Let’s think about the mostly subconscious but entirely rational reason the CEO is inviting this person: He wants to offset his own positive interest and bring balance to the situation. I call this the “lawyer effect.”
Consider what happens when you send a contract to a lawyer for review. The lawyer’s responsibility is to red line the contract, simply as a function of his or her role in the transaction. I’m not implying that the requested changes made by lawyer in contracting situations are not critical, but imagine paying a lawyer thousands of dollars to review a contract and the lawyer comes back and says, ”Looks good, no changes needed here.” The lawyer must find challenges or he/she becomes irrelevant.
Now imagine a subordinate being invited to a meeting by the CEO. The subordinate needs to justify his or her existence in the same way by playing the part of the devil’s advocate. Most sales people become so overwhelmed with enthusiasm that they fail to notice how the CEO becomes the strong silent one in the room, abdicating most of the due diligence questions to the subordinate.
To illustrate this point, I was recently involved in a second meeting with a CEO and his subordinate. The subordinate contradicted and challenged everything the CEO shared with me in the first meeting regarding issues and initiatives. Luckily my initial meeting with the CEO was strong and I was able to nudge the CEO into taking a leadership position in the meeting and put it back on track, rather than remaining silent and leaving me to arm-wrestle the subordinate.
It’s not what happens in these meetings that matters, it’s what does not happen. At some point in every complex sale there will be a need to meet subordinates who validate the solution. Some refer to these people as the stakeholders that can say no, but can’t say yes. The problem with including this naysayer in the first meeting is the lost opportunity to have a “real” open dialogue with the CEO.. Have you ever tried to get pain or an honest need-state from a CEO in front of their subordinates, or even worse, asking a subordinate to share pain in front of a CEO? The response you will hear most often is, “Everything is working well here, but we can always improve and are open to hear what you have to present to us.” – You have inadvertently forced a situation where all parties are going to default to a defensive position: Either defending their company, their job performance or their authority.
So what’s the solution?
When you secure an appointment with a CEO or other top decision-maker, make sure to describe your process and how it works. Most CEO’s will respect a sales person for saying the following, “I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further. There is one more thing I must add: While you might feel inclined to ask another person from your management team to join us on this call, I would suggest that this first call be between you and me. Even though I would be more than happy to speak with that other person on a subsequent call, I have found it is most effective to have a conversation with the CEO first, to allow for an open dialogue focused on your individual perspective. If, after our conversation, we both decide there is reason to move forward we can set up another call with whoever would be part of the ultimate decision.
This approach may seem counterintuitive to traditional sales, which dictates that the more decision makers that attend the first meeting the better off you are. But consider the daily experience we all have with contradictions in perspective, vision and hidden agendas; that we encounter in every company we deal with (even our own). If you subscribe to the belief that the perspective that ultimately matters is the person who signs off on the budget, then consider the importance of getting that perspective unfiltered by subordinates who will seize every opportunity to overshadow it with their own.
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